It was just one of those days that I had to write down so i could remember what a fun job I have.
Bella paints her pajamas, face and hands with finger nail polish I swear I hid last night
while cleaning that up she and Wyatt terrorize the kitchen with their breakfast and proceed to dump out a box of graham cracker crumbs. While I clean up that mess ( sweep and mop the floor, dishes, clean off Bella's baby etc.) Bella gets into my makeup. She proceeds to squeeze out a bottle of my foundation all over Wyatt's bed, the couch, her cloths, her face, and every surface of the bathroom. Just FYI foundation is like chocolate or blood, almost impossible to get out! Then I clean up that mess (which takes at least an hr), Put Bella in the bath which she poops in. Clean and disinfect the bathtub which had poop bits in it :). While cleaning the bathtub/the entire bathroom, Wyatt breaks my bedroom full length bits everywhere. I vacuum and pick up the remnants of the mirror and through it all away. Just FYI I am still not showered and it is almost lunch time. Dan come home ...a miracle I know....and feeds the kids lunch while I go running. Oh yeah I sorted laundry and completed three loads all during this fun time. Moral of the story ..if a kid makes a mess don't clean it up cause you will just have more messes to clean up...just let your house be messy...and your kids too!