Monday, March 31, 2008

This past weekend was quite eventful! On Saturday we went down to Spanish Fork for the Hare Krishna festival of colors. You you have ever been you will understand me when i say it is a riot! There are all sorts of crazy people there just thowing paint at eachother! So Fun!! On Sunday was our 1st anniversary so we had a peice of our cake ahhhh! Also there is a 30 weeks prego pic.


Laura Howe said...

very nice. That's a good prego pic. but you could at least flip the pictures the right way.

Laura Howe said...

oh is that Dan's sisters fiance?

Seth and Sierra said...

had to tilt the head, but from the side, you look good! Getting excited?

The Cairns Family said...

Cute prego picture, I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going! Don't you just love 1 year old cake???