Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Well Wyatt is four weeks old now and he is doing pretty good! He eats and poops alot and he likes to cry like a big baby! He is pretty good during the day, but it seems like as soon as the sun goes down he becomes quite paticular about everything!! You have to hold him a certain way and there has to be the correct amount of light in the room, he must be fed a his diaper needs to be dry, his blanket must be wrapped ever so snuggly, and if he changes his mind about what he wants ahhhhhh. The last couple of nights I let him cry himself to sleep, he was fed and dry. He cried for about 5 mins and then he just drifted off YES! I think he is learning his lesson!


The Cairns Family said...

Oh the joys of parenthood! Lauren went through a similar stage just at just about the same age, it sounds like you have got things figured out! He is adorable!

Seth and Sierra said...

so hard...
i feel your sleepless pain...
Porter did that all day, but was a bit better at night. He's still picky, though.