Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wyatt is becoming more alert, he is reacting to smiles and laughter etc. He still has a sour attitude but it is not

nearly as bad as it was when he was a newbie. He has cut his first tooth and so he drewls all over and sucks on his hand a lot! And beleive it or not he really really loves his mom!!! He also looks quite good in a Bumbo!


Bobbi said...

I think his mom really really loves him too! Cute pictures, he is already so big--and you look great!

Laura Howe said...

He does look good in the bumbo. Holy crap I can't believe he has cut a tooth. Luck you!

Clarke said...

Cute pictures! I can't believe he is getting so big.

Haley Webb said...

I love the 2nd one, he looks like he is trying to do "Blue Steel" from Zoolander :)

Darlene, Brian and Fam said...

Hey Sarah, Just happened across your blog and wanted to say that your son is very cute. Missy told me he looked like a Jensen and I must agree!Great Pictures! Darlene

Lindsey said...

Hey Dan and Sarah! (Sarah, you probably won't remember me but I was in the Lewisville singles ward for a while.) Congratulations on the adorable little boy!!! Looks like he's close to the same age as our baby girl, Lacey. She has also cut her first two teeth and is rather proud of them. If you haven't used some already, I highly recommend Hylands Teething Tablets. They're all natural and seem to relieve some of the pain of teething. You can find them at the grocery store or pharmacy.. they're brilliant! Glad to see you're all doing so well!-- Lindsey (Whelan) Hughlett