Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Wyatt

He kept the hat on for a good whole minute.

All the sweet new toys! We got wyatt some shape blocks and two$3 t-shirts. One says S is for Spider and the other one says I am the BIG brother. Yes we all know what that means. In order to be the big one there has to be a little one. So here it is I am like 8ish weeks along and I am feeling like pooh! So there it is! Wyatt also got way cooler toys from Dans parent a little peoples farm that makes farm noises, a ball, and a bunch of books. So we are set with toys for awhile! Thanks for spoiling our kido! They say that once a child is one yeat old they can do a lot of things; eat honey, dring whole milk, walk, sleep through the night ect. The one I am most thrilled about these days is sleep through the night! Wyatt started doing this about the second week we were here in Chicago. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am!!! He is also now official weened as well, he know a bottle when he sees one and he loves chocolate milk (that is how we weened him)!


Kristin said...

Congrats! Keepin' 'em nice and close. You're more woman than me! I hope you get to feeling better soon. I had all day sickness for 9 months with Ava- it sucked. Her's hoping you feel human again by 12 weeks!

Missy said...

Yeah for you Sarah Ann. Your mom hinted to it yesterday so I was meaning to call you today for the scoop. I am sorry you are so tired. That is the hard part but I am glad Wyatt still takes naps so you can. I missy you tons. I think we are driving through Chicago this summer I am hoping if we do we can stop and say hi.
Love ya

The Bertagnoles said...

Yeah for you! Me too! :} Exactly the same timing. Fun for us!!! :}

Amy Henderson said...

SARAH!! We are so excited for you!! So are you in Chicago for the summer or what? Valerie's husband (Chris) got put in as the BISHOP of our ward! Fun for her! We both had our little ones, mine is named Deven and he has orange hair. Surprise! :) Her's is named Parker and he is adorable, blonde hair! He actually came 2 days before Deven (5 wks. early), and has Down's syndrome so he had a rough start, but he is a smiley thing and they love him! We miss you so much!! Love to your whole family!! Amy Henderson

Darlene, Brian and Fam said...

Congratulations on the upcoming arrival!! Hope you feel better soon!!!