Saturday, December 5, 2009


So if any of you are wondering what GDM stands for it is Gestational Diabetes Melliutis. And you guessed it I am yet another Jensen who gets to claim hold of the daibetes gene. Pre baby having days I used to think being pregnant was no problem. Look at my mom she made it look easy! Now I know that it wasn't as easy as I once thought it was for her. So I am just going to vent about the joys of pregnancy as they are in reality for this preog mamma.

First sign of pregnancy, getting so mad at the airline people for taking my face wash that I overreacted and of course cried after I was rude to them ( I sitll think it is a stupid rule that I can't fly with face wash over 4 oz.) Sign #2 Here it comes 5 months of naseau, constipation, sleeplessness, and popsicle eating Sign #3 Horrible headeaches that last weeks sometimes (once the headaches come though I know the naseau is almost over) After those joyful months you get a little break except you start to look fat, not pregnant, just fat. This is the stage where people wonder "Is she pregnant or just chunky"? I am now in the I am so uncomfortable and tired but I still have if I am lucky 6 weeks left stage. This is the stage where you run into cute lil preggo gals who are due next week and look like they just had a big lunch and I have what seems like forever left and people say you look like you are going to pop. Whatever just let it roll off your shoulder right!! This pregnancy the next stage goes something like this; a.Oh here drink this sick sugar crap drink that makes you feel like hurling and then we will do it again next week only you get to hang out in an uncomfortable chair and not move for three hours. b. Guesse what you have gestational diabetes and we are going to put you on a diet for thanksgiving and christmas. c. Oh yeah here poke your finger til it bleeds four times a day. d. Don't eat cereal or anything good really. Soon my favorite stage will come and it is going to go something like this here are some drugs, here is your baby and then I think, "That wasn't so bad!" ahhhhh

So anyway back to the GDM, it turns out I have been eating pretty good this pregnancy and they actually want me to increase my calories. I just have to eat more protein and monitor carbs. I am supposed to snack three times a day which kinda throws me off. I get to have 30grams carbs for breakfast, 20g snack, 50g lunch, 20g snack, 50 g dinner and 30g evening snack. I haven't eaten this much my whole pregnancy. I just need to keep the blood sugar thing in check and I will be fine. It really isn't that bad just inconvienent. Dan and I are considering getting a stationary bike we found on craigslist though so if I do have that extra cookie I can bike it off. My problem is ( yeah another one) that I have low blood pressure , I get light headed and breathless, and I get contractions the second I stand up and move around. So exercise is really hard!! But boy do I miss it!!! I have been having a lot of dreams lately of being "Normal" and riding water slides, tubing, and having energy. It is my subconcsious mind telling me what my conscious mind already knows I just want to go have some serious fun Seriouslly!!!

The point of this rant is this, love your mom!! I love my mom more now that I have been prego than I did pre prego!! So thanks to all the mammas who give years of their life to bringing us into the world and then raising us!! Go mammas!!!


Lindsey said...

No fun! Sorry to hear about the gdm. My doctor kept thinking I had it so I kept having to drink that oh so nasty drink. So disgusting. Good luck and go moms!

The Bertagnoles said...

You are one serious TROOPER for willingly going into another pregnancy! Good for you!! :) Anyone who says pregnancy isn't a sacrifice has NEVER been pregnant. I love your honesty!!! :)

Kristin said...

Sorry you have to deal with that Nonsense- Diets suck! Best of luck for a quick couple months!

Missy said...

Sarah I love you. Sorry you are having a tough time.
It is amazing how much we appericate of Mom's after becoming Moms ourself. Amen to what you wrote.

Laura Howe said...

at least you could forgive the airline people! :) Sorry you have a huge baby, I will hold her for you when she is out. And at least you have a husband that will paint your toenails. I mean seriously ladies, who has one of those? oh no one except Sarah.